Thursday 4 August 2016

Barn Party

Barn Party
by Claire O’Brien (Purple)

We are learning to attempt to answer a range of comprehension questions.

Read pages 10 and 11.  How do you think Pig felt after Rooster told him he wasn’t invited to the party
Pig felt sad.

Why did Rooster change the poster to “By invitation only”?  What does that mean?
It means only animals with invitations can come.

How did the animals teach Rooster a lesson?
Rooster got pushed into the mud.  

What was the lesson that the animals taught Rooster?
Rooster learned  to have fun.

Are these statements true or false?

There are three chicken sisters.    True/False

Pig got a new ribbon for the party.    True/False

Rooster thought pig was the untidiest animal of all.  True/False
Rooster was afraid of dog.                                                                    True/False

Write the meaning of the following words:

furious (pg 34) - angry

bonnet (pg 12) - hat

untidy (pg 5) - messy

snooty (pg 30) - stuck-up   

List 5 compound words from the text below.

My Reflection
I was learning to summarise information and talk about the plot.
I found easy because it says only easy words in the text of the book.
Next time I want to write longer sentences.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the work you put into responding to the text. You are showing a good understanding of what you read.